Build your own competency based learning plans
Develop skills with online in-house courses, or keep track of external training
Learning plans enable you to stay up-to-date with compliance as well as designing learning paths for your teams so that they can develop the right competencies. You can also validate learning and compliance by developing certificates.
Create full fledged interactive online courses
Flexible environment to integrate all kind of learning resources
Collaborative tools and activities
Work and learn together in forums, wikis, glossaries, database activities, and foster user engagement.
All-in-one calendar
Calendar tool helps you keep track of your academic or company calendar, course deadlines, group meetings, and other personal events.
Track progress
Educators and learners can track progress and completion with an array of options for tracking individual activities or resources and at course level.
Easy scale up
Manage thousands of courses and users
Over 50 authentication and enrollment options to add and enroll users to your site and courses. Add courses in bulk, back up and restore large courses with ease.
All your needs, need a single platform.
Join us and make your company a better place.